Its okay to take a break

Here is just a little self motivational writeup for girls in a tough relationship.
Its okay to take a break. It is okay to take a step back and breathe, find another technique to move your relationship further.
Sometimes there comes a time in your relationship where things are not going the way it used to go. No matter how you have tried to fix things it ends up becoming worse. Breaking up has crossed your mind. You have been caught between the anvil and the hammer but you can't break up because the guy still means so much to you to let go. You are conflicted because you know that you still love this guy but the toxic energy you are receiving from the guy isn't good for you. Let's get things straight here, taking a break can be good and can also be really bad for your relationship. It depends on your partners ability to understand what a break is and his ability to play it right. A break isn't a path to see  new people or taste other options. It is a time to breathe and gather your thoughts together; if you still see a future with your partner and If you want to keep on going.
Don't be scared to request for a break if the energy you are giving isn't what you are receiving. Let's learn from Selena Gomez when she said "I saw the signs and I ignored it", if you see the weird and late replies, the "let's chat and not talk on the phone" reply, the "I am busy right now I'll call you later"  he doesn't call and this has happened more than twice. Tell him how you feel and tell him that you need a break.
You deserved to be loved the exact same way or more cause you are beautiful and a gem that needs to be treasured.


  1. Thanks Perky even Africa male had something to learn here


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