Self Worth

Love yourself. Love what people hate about you. Don't try breaking yourself into tiny pieces to please others; keep yourself whole and let them choke.
If you constantly find yourself trying to please others while putting yourself in an uncomfortable position than you're gradually losing value of what you're worth. Don't let any one and I repeat ANYONE determine what you're worth. Honestly, the only person that can determine your worth is yourself. It's called self worth for a reason.
People hate you because of the way other people love you. Nobody throws stone at a fruitless tree, people look for the tree with fruit and try to knock it down. IT IS WHAT IT IS!
I know that you have heard these words over and over again. I don't blame you if you ignore this but you should know that you are much better than what any body has said about you. You don't need anybody's approval to be yourself. Be you! Do you!  This is just a reminder of how perfect you are.
Yours sincerely,


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