Pain is an inextricable thread in the fabric of life, and to tear it out is not only impossible, but destructive: attempting to tear it out unravels everything else with it.Pain is like a fabric, the harder it gets, the more its worth. Pain isn't just physical;its more deeper than that.its like a sword piercing into your heart slowing pulling out and putting it back in.My personal best definition of pain is that loneliness you feel when you have no one to talk too and feeling that no one will understand what you are going through. So what do you do? You let your experience mold you and you become stronger. The pain of today is the strength of tomorrow,the challenges faced today is an opportunity for growth. Pain drags your heart and sometimes doesn't allow you to sleep. It's the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning and the last thing before you sleep. It's an intoxicating feeling that inflicts negative thoughts in your head. The worst pain of it all is'nt not having someone to talk to,its knowing that you have people to talk to but they don't notice your hurt and they watch you hide it. Are they really your friends? So what do you do when you are all alone, you develop some adaptive features and you end up ignoring the pain other than confront it. You put on a smiling face and behave like you have nothing to worry about but you cry yourself to sleep and the only friend that you have is your pillow.Hiding your pain doesn't mean that you are weak, infact, it makes you like a lion. Strong and not dependent on anyone. Brave and bold cause you laugh at the face of danger. If you are thinking about something as you read this then you are in pain of some what but if you havent then you are not in pain. You can simply scroll and ignore.As a writer, I just don't write to impress my readers, as a matter of fact, I write because I have felt a nodge by every thing I write about. This write up is exactly what I am going through at the moment and I know someone out there is having the same feeling as I am so please share this.
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