First kiss

Love struck?
I guess. The thought of our first kiss still makes me smile.
Fighting under the rain, you came close, grabbed me by my face and carefully placed your lips on mine.

When people say, electricity rushed down their spine, I always find that silly and way too cliche; what I felt that day was way passed that in so many ways.

It was like a rush of wind moving me from that spot to a garden filled with so many beautiful and colorful flower. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. The sun shined brighter in the garden. The birds where singing and the trees where dancing to its rhythm.

I didn't want the kiss to end. "Don't ever stop" I thought in my head. " Don't you ever leave me" I backed it up. I didn't ever want you to stop kissing me. The adrenaline rush I felt during that moment cannot be compared to anyone I have felt in my years of living. But what did you do? You abandoned me. The sun began setting, the colorful garden began to loose its color, the birds stopped singing and the trees seized its dancing.

"Then why do I still smile when I think of the kiss?" I think to myself while dropping my writing pen.
Perhaps because it was my first, from my first love.
you can never forget your first of anything can you?

So I joined a 15 days writing challenge although I didn't commence with them for day 1 and 2. Support your girl on IG @_writingspirits_
Don't forget to comments on your own first kiss.



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