What's so good about the good Friday?

So this question keeps coming to my head all the time. What is good about good Friday? Why are we saying that its good Jesus gave his life for us today? Why? Why? Why?
I got researching and I discovered that we are not celebrating his death, No! We are celebrating the gifts that came with his death.
"While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" I don't know about you but right now, I don't think I'll be able to die for someone but that's what he did. Jesus Christ died for me and you so that we will be saved.
He did not just die a normal death, He died by the cross. Having his tendons pierced by big nails, having to alternate his breathing by arcing his back and putting his weight on the nail pierced in his leg.
Excuse me, what kind of selfless and reckless love is that? But guess what, somebody went through all of that suffering for me and you.
So why? Why are we celebrating good Friday? Permit me to tell you why? Because good Friday reminds us of our roots and foundation as Christians. It reminds us that somebody gave his life just so we will not die again. He tore the curtain that blocked us from assessing the presence of God in His full and complete nature.
He created two sacraments that reminds us of him; Sacrament of Baptism and Sacrament of Communion.
So how do I see good Friday now? I see it as a gift from God and I am so happy to be a partaker of this gift... I hope you are too.


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